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Friday, August 5, 2011

Black Friday Is Here, How Will This End?

We are here on Friday a day after stock markets have fallen across the globe and continue to fall at the moment I type this out. Now what happens next the Wall Street markets do not open for hours from now, our governments are overwhelmed and unprepared.

Complacency has made us all comfortable. We think in our modern world we are safe, until something big happens then everybody runs to save them selves. Paranoia breeds fears and fears bring about the troubles. what the people fear is a lack of security and confidence in our governments, Governments busy guarding the profits of the wealthiest, while letting the foundation(common working class people) rot away. This is a poor business practice because what the wealthiest have failed to realize is that of  which their wealth is built upon, the working class and businesses that do not expand fail, the error of beg, barrow and trade is over. it is  time we get back to the industries that have built our modern lives. With no workers to serve there is no need for the services that serve them. This is where we find ourselves, with few jobs and a lot of services.

 Who looses in service based economies? The common working class, who can not afford to put food on the table, who work for the same wages, while paying more for the cost of living. It is not a matter of race,religion or region. it is a matter of is it preventable, yes it is do not fool yourselves to think that it has just fell from the sky why there are no jobs, do not think there are not those who profit from the misery of others. There are solutions,complacency is not the answer to these. It starts from the ground up, creating jobs and industry, getting back to the roots which have made us so modern. Bringing the jobs back home to create the industries. Then creating the services  to serve the industries. The losers are the working class,who can no longer afford to put food on the table and lose their homes at the sake of profits of some big FAILING financial institution, our governments have mismatched priorities, complacency is no longer an answer. The times of protecting wealth while abandoning the common people are over. sit back and do nothing has ended. It is time our governments woke up and started serving the common people rather than protecting the wealth of the wealthiest. It is time  for governments around the world to change their priorities.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Bond market developments are deep concern, says Barroso

Luxembourg Prime Minister and Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker (right) meets Italian Finance Minister Giulio TremontiTalks have taken place in Luxembourg between Italy and the EU

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European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has described the bond markets' treatment of Italy and Spain as "a cause of deep concern".
Yields on Spanish and Italian bonds have hit euro-era records this week.
Italian finance minister Giulio Tremonti has held talks with Jean-Claude Juncker, chair of the eurozone countries' finance ministers group.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi told parliament the country had "solid economic foundations".
"Developments in the sovereign bond markets of Italy and Spain are a cause of deep concern," Mr Barroso said.
"These developments are clearly unwarranted on the basis of economic and budgetary fundamentals in these two member states and the steps that they are taking to reinforce those fundamentals."
Yields on Spanish and Italian 10-year bonds hit their highest levels since the launch of the euro on Tuesday, meaning that it would cost both countries' governments more to borrow money if they wanted to.
Yields rose again on Wednesday before falling back somewhat.
The Italian 10-year bond was yielding 6.02% while the Spanish 10-year bond was at 6.14%.
Many analysts see a bond yield above 6% as unsustainable.
"The upward march in Spanish and Italian bond yields is evidence of the relentlessness of the sovereign debt crisis," said Jane Foley, an analyst at Rabobank International.
Political problems
The problems come less than two weeks after eurozone leaders agreed a second bailout for Greece, which was partly aimed at preventing the sovereign debt problems spreading to other countries.
Portugal and the Irish Republic have also received bailouts to help them cope with their debt problems.
Italy, which is the eurozone's third-largest economy, has so far managed to avoid sovereign debt problems, despite having one of the highest debt-to-GDP ratios in the eurozone at 120%.
But Italy's economy is twice as big as Greece, Portugal and the Irish Republic combined, so a bailout would probably be unaffordable.
Concerns have been exacerbated recently by political problems.
The Italian parliament approved a 43bn-euro ($62bn; £38bn) austerity package last month, but there is some doubt about whether Mr Berlusconi's government can implement the cuts.
"Despite numerous attempts, the European authorities have still not done enough to satisfy a sceptical bond market and the debt crisis looks far from over," said Juliet Tennant, economist at Goodbody Stockbrokers in Dublin.
As worries about the southern European economies grow, investors have been less keen to buy their bonds, which has meant the prices have fallen.
The head of Italy's treasury, Vittorio Grilli, is on a tour of Asia to try to drum up interest in buying Italian bonds, according to sources quoted by the AFP news agency.
Half of Italian bonds are owned by Italian institutions and individuals, while most of the rest are held by investors elsewhere in Europe.

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L´FMI insta l´Estat a pujar l´IVA i baixar els sous públics

L'organisme creu que el govern central ha d'aplicar noves mesures per complir els objectius de reducció del dèficit

EP / WASHINGTON L´Estat necessitarà mesures addicionals de consolidació fiscal per complir amb els objectius de reducció de dèficit compromesos pel govern espanyol, que, en opinió del Fons Monetari Internacional (FMI), es basen en projeccions macroeconòmiques "relativament optimistes" i es troben amenaçats pel risc de incompliments per part d'algunes comunitats autònomes.

"Complir els objectius serà complicat", adverteix la institució internacional en les conclusions del seu 'Article IV' sobre l´Estat, on assenyala que, tot i que el camí per assolir l'objectiu de dèficit és "apropiada", els ajustaments previstos es basen en "projeccions macroeconòmiques relativament optimistes i en què els governs regionals compleixin els seus objectius de dèficit".

De fet, l'agència apunta que les dades preliminars suggereixen que les comunitats autònomes podrien incomplir els seus objectius en una magnitud similar a la de 2010.

Així mateix, l'informe indica que algunes de les mesures per contenir la despesa a mig termini no han estat totalment identificades i subratlla que "implementar les retallades de la despesa previstos requereix una decisiva ruptura amb el passat".

D'altra banda, la institució dirigida per Christine Lagarde espera que les necessitats anuals de finançament d'Espanya continuaran sent "substancials" durant els pròxims anys, per la qual cosa és especialment important conservar la confiança dels mercats.

"D'aquesta manera, poden ser necessàries mesures addicionals", recomana l'entitat, que preveu una reducció del dèficit fins al 6,2% del PIB aquest any, per baixar al 5,1% el 2012 i al 4,3% el 2013 , davant del 6%, 4,4% i 3% previst pel govern central respectivament per a 2011, 2012 i 2013.

"Prenent en consideració els riscos derivats de la perspectiva d'un creixement potencialment més baix i la necessitat d'acumular 'matalassos' per esmorteir la part de les regions potencialment endarrerides, serien necessàries mesures addicionals equivalents a un 2% del PIB, en termes acumulats fins 2014, per complir els objectius.

En aquest sentit, els experts de l'FMI assenyalen que, malgrat el compromís del govern espanyol per adoptar les mesures necessàries per complir els objectius, la credibilitat i qualitat de la política fiscal "encara pot millorar" mitjançant projeccions macroeconòmiques "més prudents" i explicant mesures específiques dirigides a garantir el compliment dels objectius.

En aquest sentit, l'FMI suggereix que existeix un considerable marge per a l'assumpció de mesures addicionals reduint més la despesa corrent, on recorda que la despesa salarial encara és superior al de la mitjana de l'eurozona per les pujades del sou dels funcionaris en el passat. Així mateix, la institució suggereix retallar les inversions i / o elevar el "encara relativament baix nivell de l'IVA", especialment sobre els derivats del petroli.


Catalunya lidera el rànquing de concursos de creditors

Les famílies en fallida pugen un 1,8% a tot l´Estat i creixen un 19,7% les empreses concursades

EP Catalunya va ser la comunitat amb més nombre de declaracions de concurs en el segon trimestre amb 381 concursos, seguida per la Comunitat Valenciana, amb 253, Andalusia, amb 211 i Madrid, amb 207, ja que van acaparar el 59,4% del total.

A la banda oposada, les regions amb menys suspensions de pagaments durant el segon trimestre de l'any van ser La Rioja i Extremadura, amb deu i 18 procediments, respectivament.

Amb l'entrada en vigor de la Llei Concursal l'1 de setembre del 2004, l'INE va substituir l'antiga estadística de suspensions de pagaments i declaracions de fallida per la de procediment concursal, reemplaçant els conceptes jurídics de suspensió de pagaments i declaració de fallida pel de concurs de creditors, denominant-se deutors concursats les entitats sotmeses a aquest procés.

Segons l'Estadística de Procediment Concursal de l'Institut Nacional d'Estadística (INE) publicada aquest dimecres, les famílies que es van declarar en concurs de creditors (suspensió de pagaments i fallides) a l'Estat davant la impossibilitat d'afrontar els seus pagaments i deutes van ascendir a 277 durant el segon trimestre de l'any, fet que suposa un augment de l'1,8% respecte al mateix període del 2010 i un repunt del 10,4% en taxa intertrimestral.

Així, les famílies declarades en fallida tornen a créixer, després que el primer trimestre de l'any registressin una caiguda del 7%.

Les empreses concursades van ascendir a 1.494 el segon trimestre, amb un augment del 19,7% en taxa interanual i una caiguda del 3,7% respecte al trimestre passat.

En total, el nombre de famílies i empreses en concurs va ser de 1.771 entre abril i juny, un 16,5% més que en igual trimestre del 2010 i un 1,8% menys que en el trimestre precedent.

Segons el tipus de concurs, 1.692 van ser voluntaris, un 18,3% més que en el segon trimestre del 2010, front a 79 concursos que van caldre, xifra que suposa un descens del 12,2% en taxa interanual i del 13,2% en valors intertrimestrals.

Atenent a la classe de procediment, els ordinaris van baixar un 30,3% en taxa interanual, fins a sumar 108, mentre que els abreujats van pujar un 21,8% respecte al segon trimestre del 2010 i van sumar 1.663 processos.

Una de cada tres empreses concursades és de la construcció

Una de cada tres empreses concursades del segon trimestre (31,7%) tenien com activitat principal la construcció i la promoció immobiliària, mentre que el 18,1% de les societats en concurs pertanyia al sector del comerç i el 17% a la indústria i energia.

Dins de les empreses que es van declarar en concurs durant el primer trimestre, 245 eren societats anònimes, un 30,3% més en taxa interanual i un 15,8% inferior al primer trimestre de l'any, mentre que 1.154 eren societats limitades, amb un augment del 19,6% respecte al mateix trimestre de l'exercici passat i una caiguda del 0,1% en taxa intertrimestral.

Pel que fa al nombre d'assalariats, el 64% del total de les empreses concursades es va concentrar en el segon trimestre de l'any en els trams d'un a 19 assalariats.

El 68,4% de les empreses concursades es van concentrar en el tram més baix de volum de negoci (menys de dos milions d'euros) i són primordialment societats de responsabilitat limitada.

Alhora, el 87,1% de les empreses en concurs el segon trimestre de l'any no pertanyen a cap grup empresarial. De la resta, el 12,2% pertany a un grup espanyol i el 0,7% a un grup sota control estranger.


Cada dia, ens fem ressó del que està passant al mon! I a Catalunya? A Catalunya hi ha molta més gent que necesites d'accions humanitaries per poder afrontar el dia a dia: no poden mejar peix, ni carn ni ous tan sovint com haurien de fer-ho i això alerat d'una mala nutrició infantil.

Aquestes families eren classe mitjan abans que tot això comencés i ara no tenen cap mena de capacitat fer res. No hi ha dret! En el segle en el que vivim això és intolerable. Que les families no puguin donar de menjar als seus fills ni comprar les sabates que necessiten per anar a l'escola és una vergonya de la societat. 

Les associacions de caritat ja han alertat d'aquest problema i del que comportarà. Fins ara, es dedicaven a ajudar a les famílies immigrants que tenien problemes, però ara tenen un nou col-lectiu a qui ajudar: La classe mitjana. Què pasarà quan ells no puguin ajudar ni a les famíliees autòctones ni als immigrants? Només cal oblidar-nos d'ells? Això és intolerable en el món en el que vivim. 

Intenteu ajudar tan com us sigui possible als vostres veïns; això ÉS UN PROBLEMA GLOBAL. Jo parlo de Catalunya aquí perquè és on visc, però només cal que ens mirem les notícies, els diaris, etc per veure que això està passant a tot arreu. SOM LA CINQUENA FORÇA, LA SOCIETAT CIVIL - Ens em de fer més forts i unir perquè una economia o una crisi no acabi amb la gent més vulnerable.

Si us plau, paseu això a les vostres pàgines principals de manera que tothom s'ne faci ressó i que entre tots poguem acabar amb aquesta situació global!


Everyday, we look more at the world we are living in and we can see how the crisis is devasting whole families. And in Catalunya? In Catalunya too! There are thousands of families that need to live from the charities, who do not have money to pay for shoes for their children and they can not afford to eat fish, pork or egg more than once a week. That entails a lot of problems for the children with mal nutrition! These families have run into this situation because of the crisi that we are living, cause they were doing as a common families before it all started!

These families have had to start asking for charity and that means that there will be not enough help for all. Until now, charities used to help immigrant people who neded it but now they are facing a new group that needs to be rescued. Which are going to be the consecuences? More and more people asking for charity; children with nutrition problems and more people in the streets! Thats a mess! In the century we are living with, that should not be allowed! 

The crisi is destroying the iddle class and whats going to happen with these people? Just throw them and forget about them? Come on! A bit of fairyness for all! Thisnk about this and try to help your neighbours as much as you can and not only in Catalunya! ALL THE WORLD IS IN A NEED LIKE THIS, BUT IT DOES NOT ONLY AFFECTS A COUNTRY OR A REGION! THERE ARE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN NEED TO BE RESCUED.

Please, add this to your personal house page so all the people in teh world can see and understand whats going on so we can all finish with this horrible situation for all of us! Thanks to collaborate.

No weather for the sea!

Here in Catalonia we have had one of the coolest July's in 15 years. It is just no weather for the sea! As the water in the Mediterranean is already some what cool at least compared to the beaches of Florida and south Georgia where I am from. The good news or bad depending on how you look at it is we have a new island the size of Manhattan floating freely on the Antarctic coast if you want to go for a swim in the frigid waters. Do not be frightened this is a natural process that happens every 50 to 100 years, the ice shelf is struck and a large fragment breaks off. A natural event we think. I find it hard to call all things natural when our modern science timeline only encompasses a small fraction of the natural cycle timeline. Here in Spain(Barcelona,Catalonia) the weather is much cooler than ever while back in North America  they are experiencing temperatures breaking 100 Fahrenheit on weeks on end.

Ofertas de cruceros

So maybe it is time to take a cruise to warmer waters if we can find them. As the weather is much cooler here, it is not too cool now and you will still find yourself on packed beaches with people shoulder to shoulder taking up every open space possible but it is different and  much cooler than normal maybe better in some ways because sometimes the heat can be over bearing. maybe this year will be a good year to hit the slopes, We will see soon.

And after the slopes a nice dip in hotsprings

Monday, August 1, 2011


Saturday, July 30, 2011

50 liters of water in 20 minutes.

Today we arrived home from helping a friend move to be bombarded with a downpour of biblical proportions. We were not alone from Central Catalonia to Barcelona. and the rain fell on our saturday night. it was much needed rain but maybe not so much in such a short time. 83 liters in barcelona 50 here and in a town less than 3 kilometers away 18 liters. I guess that is how it rains here. luckily our 'horts' (vegetable gardens) did not suffer too much damage some corn(plat de moro) was knocked over but all else was fine and needed the bath I think. i will be adding photos of the knocked over corn tomorrow after the sun comes up here.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day trip to Andorra from Barcelona

The Principality of Andorra or Andorra is a small landlocked country between France and Spain in western Europe.'Valls d'Andorra' was given to the Andorran people for fighting against the Morres by Charles the Great.It is not a member of The European Union and a tax haven for it's duty free status.The oficial language there is Catalan but French,Spanish and Portuguese are also spoken.

  Anytime of the year it makes for a great trip from skiing to shopping or to the hot springs which make for a lovely bath when the weather hits sub freezing temps in the winter. There is nothing like going for a nice dip in the warm thermal fed baths after a day at the slopes - and Andorra offers world class slopes from beginner slopes to death defying down hills it is what the Pyrenees have to offer-. If you are the snow boring type, I would also recommend a stop over at La Molina, the site of the 2010 World Snow Boarding Championships.

There is a lot to do in Andorra, from a luxurious day spa in the hot springs and skiing in the winter. 
With a trip to Andorra you can't go wrong and nothing beets a duty free bottle of the ffinestScotch. But be careful with what you bring back across the border. It may be worth to ask an attendant in a store about what you plan to bring back to Spain. I recommend that because the Spanish Civil Guard is at the border stopping cars returning to Catalonia randomly to check for if someone has been quite  glutinous and coming back with a stash of tobaccos and fine goods to feed an army. If you exceed the limit for your purchases, the Spanish Civil Guard will require you to pay the duties(taxes) on all your goods you have exceeded and it is just troublesome, so better not. 
As you can see, Andorra is the paradise for everyone - from people loving to ski, shopping, spending days at the thermal waters or just walking down its many roads, full of restaurants, cafes and shops. Even there is a paradise for children. Naturland is a thematic park that children will love - Other children's activities, like bowling will also be found there. Combining adult activities with some for children, will make a complete, funny and interesting holiday to this small country for all the members of the family. To see more activities that can be done in family in Andorra, do not hesitate to contact their tourist site and get there all the information available, which will help you to combine all the possibilities for an unforgettable trip.


Andorra is about a 2 hour drive from Barcelona take Auto Pista de Valles/C-16/E-9 north/nord. E-9 is a partial toll road so be prepared to pay the toll on E-9.. Continue onto C-16 (signs for La Seu d'Urgell/Andorra)Keep left at the fork, follow signs for La Seu d'Urgell/Andorra and merge onto C-16/LP-4033.Continue to follow C-16.At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto the Carretera de Puigcerdá/N-260 ramp.Merge onto Carretera de Puigcerdá/N-260.Turn right onto Carretera de Puigcerdá/N-260/LP-4033.Turn right onto Carretera de Puigcerdá/N-260.Continue to follow N-260
Go through 1 roundabout.Take a slight right onto Eix Pirinenc.Continue onto Carrer de les Valls d'Andorra/N-145.Continue to follow N-145.Go through 1 roundabout, welcome to Andorra.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Beautiful Catalan Country and Coastal Mountains.

Now We have came to the end of another week here in sunny Catalonia,and the weather is suppose to be great.


We still do not know what we may do this weekend. We will probably stay in and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. It sounds good to me and the beach may have to wait for the August vacation that we have  all been so patiently awaiting and now it seems like it will not come for an eternity. we can't wait for Mojitos in the sun and a little bit of fun. For now it will probably be by the pool to take in the sun. but at least there is a good view from inside the pool. we may take a road trip to the park and enjoy some site seeing on the Catalan country side. We went a couple a weeks ago for a drive through the country side and I had a moment to take some pics of the castle in Talamanca a mid-evil town near  Sant llorenç del Munt. It is a
Monastery and natural park the mountain its self sits 1100 meters(3,609 feet) above sea level. The drive through the Catalan country side is definitely worth it it is the part of the beauty of Catalonia and Barcelona is the scenery from one place to another. in Catalonia you can be swimming out in the Mediterranean and see the coastal mountains and the next day be looking at where you were swimming the day before on top of the mountain you were admiring from the sea below the day before. From Montserrat on a clear day you can see Mallorca. So the weather is great the sun is shinning and it is time for a Catalan vacation. when August arrives we will be with you there is nothing like the beach and siestas or migdiades followed by late night drinks. you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Internet in Rural Catalonia, Spain.

If you plan on a romantic get away to the Pyrenees or have a vacation planed for the beach in rural Catalonia, and internet is a must for you  a Tablet PC with tethering capabilities would serve you well, as the 3g network here can be better than physical network access. Movistar is the main cell provider here and service plans are fairly resonable. you can choose from different options depending on your internet use.

In much of Spain the installation of fiber optic cable is lacking. So a trip to rural spain you may find a slower internet service however in most big cities you will have ample bandwidth. Though if you are a big fan of the Apple iPhone 4G  you may find that much of Spain lacks installation of 4g cell networks but all of Spain has 3g network and even in a lot of rural areas you have fine 3g coverage and for me the 3g service serves fine for my perposes for the moment, though a 4g internet contection on an awesome tablet like the Dell Streak 7 4G Android Tablet  would be killer but for now I am dreaming and have to settle for my 3g tablet from Movistar that I am pleased with and for now the service is fine and it works for me.  Rest assured your holidays to the Catalan Pyrenees do not have to lack the mdern spoils of everyday life unless you want it to.

Internet in ländlichen Katalonien, Spanien.
Wenn Sie planen einen romantischen Urlaub in den Pyrenäen oder einen Urlaub für den Strand in ländlichen Katalonien gehobelt, und Internet ist ein Muss für Sie ein Tablet PC mit Tethering-Funktionen würden Sie gut zu dienen, als das 3G-Netz hier kann besser sein als physische Netzwerk zugreifen. Movistar ist die wichtigste Zelle Anbieter hier und Service-Pläne sind ziemlich resonable. Sie können aus verschiedenen Möglichkeiten abhängig von Ihrer Internetverbindung verwenden möchten.
In weiten Teilen Spaniens die Installation von LWL-Kabel fehlt. So eine Reise nach Spanien ländlichen können Sie eine langsamere Internet-Service finden jedoch in den meisten großen Städten haben Sie ausreichend Bandbreite. Obwohl, wenn Sie ein großer Fan des Apple iPhone 4G sind, können Sie feststellen, dass viel von Spanien fehlt Installation von 4g Cell Networks, aber alle von Spanien hat 3G-Netz und auch in vielen ländlichen Gebieten haben Sie feine 3G-Abdeckung und für mich das 3g Service serviert feine für meine perposes für den Moment, wenn ein 4g internet contection auf einem ehrfürchtigen Tablette wie Dell Streak 7 4G Android Tablet Killer sein würde, aber für jetzt bin ich zu träumen und für mein 3g Tablette von Movistar zufrieden, dass ich zufrieden bin mit und für jetzt der Service ist gut und es funktioniert für mich. Seien Sie versichert, Ihren Urlaub in der katalanischen Pyrenäen müssen nicht den mdern Beute des täglichen Lebens fehlt, wenn Sie es wollen.

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